Vulva Monologues
Chapt. 1 On Revelations
Photography, film animation,
podcast, instalation, publication
To all Vulva baring women, are you aware of your
own authentic, autonomous sexual well-being? Have you started a conscious
sexual pleasure journey?
Vulva Monologues is an ongoing multi-platform project about the female search for autonomy through self-pleasure. I have been working with 7 womxn who feel confident with themselves and are consciously on a sexual pleasure journey.
Cami, Eline, Kiki, Kiki Elize, Roberta, Whitney and Yanzi invite all viewers into their individual self-pleasure journeys as together, we strongly believe in the importance of communication to be able to liberate and empower the topic of female pleasure.
We have been carrying the burden of our ancestral past and we are now slowly chiselling away the damage, the constructs, the stigmas, the taboos and the shame that society has put upon us. We are awakening our subconscious and strengthening our consciousness. Pleasure is something that is learnt - it’s a process. We are on a constant, winding journey. Sexually, womxn go through several changes over their lifetime. Our desires and pleasures go through highs and lows and so we need to listen to and explore our individual bodies and communicate amongst ourselves.
To be able to have the confidence of having full ownership of your body and to know what you like is so important and so taking that first step, fed by your curiosities, is key.
A sexual revolution is brewing. The title 'Vulva Monologues' is a play on words with reference to ‘The Vagina Monologues’ by Eve Ensler, 1996. We are a new generation, bringing forth the sexual revolution to a new turning point liberating a woman's right to pleasure!
Vulva Monologues is an ongoing multi-platform project about the female search for autonomy through self-pleasure. I have been working with 7 womxn who feel confident with themselves and are consciously on a sexual pleasure journey.
Cami, Eline, Kiki, Kiki Elize, Roberta, Whitney and Yanzi invite all viewers into their individual self-pleasure journeys as together, we strongly believe in the importance of communication to be able to liberate and empower the topic of female pleasure.
We have been carrying the burden of our ancestral past and we are now slowly chiselling away the damage, the constructs, the stigmas, the taboos and the shame that society has put upon us. We are awakening our subconscious and strengthening our consciousness. Pleasure is something that is learnt - it’s a process. We are on a constant, winding journey. Sexually, womxn go through several changes over their lifetime. Our desires and pleasures go through highs and lows and so we need to listen to and explore our individual bodies and communicate amongst ourselves.
To be able to have the confidence of having full ownership of your body and to know what you like is so important and so taking that first step, fed by your curiosities, is key.
A sexual revolution is brewing. The title 'Vulva Monologues' is a play on words with reference to ‘The Vagina Monologues’ by Eve Ensler, 1996. We are a new generation, bringing forth the sexual revolution to a new turning point liberating a woman's right to pleasure!

What Does your orgasm look like?