Photo by:  Emily Josephine.

An early morning on Bens balconey in Germany
durin a Pineapple Road work weekend.
Reminder, get out of the city sometimes!

  Artist Statment


Emma Grima (1996) is a Maltese socially engaged interdisciplinary artist in the Netherlands and Malta,
specialising in documentary photography and fine arts.

Her practice focuses on human rights, sexuality and identity. She is currently exploring themes related to sexual reproductive health and rights on, abortion, sexual pleasure, HIV, and post-porn through a critical lens. Grima's work takes the form of long-term documentary projects, incorporating posthuman and intersectional feminist theories to challenge societal norms. Her work is typically multi-platformed, using lens-based media, experimental printing techniques, performance and site-specific installations.

Grima blends systemic and visual research and often collaborates with others in the process, such as, NGOs, fellow artists, and communities, positioning herself as a creative force that connects diverse perspectives for public engagement. This is done with the aim to spark change, educate and empower others through the intersection of art and activism.

Grima is a graduate of The Royal Academy of Arts (NL), a founding member of the photography collective Pineapple Road Press, and is currently establishing her creative business, working on artistic actions and campaigns.

Click on me for Artist CV 

Part of Pineaple Road Press 

