Unspoken Truths
Unspoken Truths, an ode to all Maltese womxn
suffering in silence, is a multiplatform project that started in 2020 when I reached out to Young Progresive beings a pro Choice Maltese NGO to plan an interactive public action.
We are fighting for change and awareness toward the decriminalisation of abortion and to improve our sexual reproductive health and rights laws on the island and to lend a voice to our silenced and more vunerable citizens from the people to the people.
Malta is the last EU country with the strictest anti-abortion laws? Why do Maltese Womxn in 2024 not have the human right to body autonomy? Do you call Bill 28 passed in 2023 change? I call this, reclarifying that our bodies do belong to the state! “It shouldn’t take 3 doctors to decide my life is worth saving.”-YPB
Political landscapes have been changing and shifting globally. Society's systems are questioning our health and well-being. On the European Union’s agenda, they are currently trying to make abortion a human right but the EPF for sexual reproductive rights points out that despite Europe's progressive image, abortion is not universally recognized as a human right. The My Voice My Choice campaign is trying to change this as we speak. How will current events evolve and shape the coming years?
Your Silenced Womxn
We are fighting for change and awareness toward the decriminalisation of abortion and to improve our sexual reproductive health and rights laws on the island and to lend a voice to our silenced and more vunerable citizens from the people to the people.
Malta is the last EU country with the strictest anti-abortion laws? Why do Maltese Womxn in 2024 not have the human right to body autonomy? Do you call Bill 28 passed in 2023 change? I call this, reclarifying that our bodies do belong to the state! “It shouldn’t take 3 doctors to decide my life is worth saving.”-YPB
Political landscapes have been changing and shifting globally. Society's systems are questioning our health and well-being. On the European Union’s agenda, they are currently trying to make abortion a human right but the EPF for sexual reproductive rights points out that despite Europe's progressive image, abortion is not universally recognized as a human right. The My Voice My Choice campaign is trying to change this as we speak. How will current events evolve and shape the coming years?
Your Silenced Womxn
Photography, Instalation, Action,
In collaboartion with YPB,
2020- 2021
Malta Today
The Third Eye
In collaboartion with YPB,
2020- 2021
Malta Today
The Third Eye

The hangers serve as a symbol of the silent suffering faced by women in Malta who have been forced to resort to unsafe methods to obtain an abortion. There was a strong collective presence that day, everyone felt the same sentiments of both anger and sadness; however, they were unified by the need for change. It was an emotional sight, seeing so many people gathering together on such a stigmatised topic.